
Based on 20 reviews
Somewhere in my first pregnancy I started to suffer from incredibly painful sex. Six years on I was told time and time again that it was in my head, and there was nothing wrong. Yolanda was the only person who was able to find my pelvic floor pain as well as it's cause. I owe her more that words can say. So, ladies, have hope, painful sex can go away if you see the right specialist!
Fiona Peart
Fiona Peart
Seeing Yolanda was a revelation. I was so impressed how she hit the nail on the head with the issues I was facing! She's gentle, caring, attentive and very knowledgeable.
Elisha DaCosta
Elisha DaCosta
Yolanda has been incredibly helpful with my diastasis recti after an emergency c section and lower back pain. I've regained connection with my core and can do so many more exercises pain free now. She is an excellent women's health physiotherapist who brings far more expertise & nuance than the standard Mummy MOT assessment. I would recommend her to anyone who needs specialist support.
Alicia Tew
Alicia Tew
Yolanda is a fantastic professional. She was thorough and supportive during my assessment; she performed a clear treatment plan. I would recommend Yolanda to any woman after birth for mummy MOT.
Laura Ferreras Antolin
Laura Ferreras Antolin
I first saw Yolanda 6 weeks postpartum for pelvic floor and general recovery after a stressful birth. The sessions i have had with Yolanda have been brilliant - she tailors every session to your specific needs and goals and within a short space of time i noticed a really big difference. Yolanda is very easy to get on with, very professional - i couldn't recommend her more highly
Anna Brownrigg
Anna Brownrigg
Great physio who gave me the tools & confident to get back into shape post birth
Chessie Samler
Chessie Samler
Yolanda is an amazing healer, not just simply a therapist. As well as being incredibly knowledgeable in her field, she is also extremely perceptive about her patients' problems. She improved my condition in a few sessions, after other practitioners gave me the wrong treatments for months. Thoroughly recommended!
Viola Caon
Viola Caon
Yolanda is such a great physio, and as a bonus she’s a lovely person. I started seeing her a year after giving birth as was having issues with my pelvic floor. She looked at how the whole body worked, not just giving me a generic “do more kegels” and discovered a pattern of muscular imbalance I was completely oblivious of that also had affected other areas of my life. It was such a ‘wow’ moment. Doing the exercises she gave me I’ve seen huge improvement and have learnt so much about how the body works, related to the postnatal period and in general. Can’t recommend her enough and will come back pre and post birth to get her advice if I ever have more children.
After 3 sessions with Yolanda I felt like I had a new body! I first went to Yolanda with a mix of back pain and pelvic issues. I was in so much I couldn’t sleep through the night and couldn’t roll over in bed. I also had strange tingling down one side of my body to my fingertips. Yolanda was able to identify the cause of my pain which was not at all what I expected! She released my back pain and improved my pelvic strength by first sorting out toughened scarring left after two cesarean sections over a decade ago! After the first session my pain was reduced by around 70%, I was walking differently and was more aware of my posture compensating for the scarring. Over six sessions Yolanda has worked her way through each pain point and my pain is virtually gone. The exercises she gives are strengthening my core and the right level of challenge. I will probably carry on seeing Yolanda forever at least a few times a year to keep my body strong and healthy.
Reesa Amadeo
Reesa Amadeo
Yolanda is a brilliant physio - caring, knowledgeable, extremely capable and technically excellent. I couldn't recommend her more highly.

I have recently had my mummy MOT with Yolanda. I am impressed about the thorough assessment she did, she also provided me with a detailed treatment plan. I would recommend Yolanda to any woman in postpartum for a great mummy MOT.

Mercedes Nieto

I went to see Yolanda c.3 months postpartum – baby in tow. Not only did she manage to do a full consultation – which included going through my medical history and conducting an examination of my pelvic floor – she also managed to keep my baby quiet in the pram whilst I practiced my exercises!
Her communication has been brilliant – she’s very responsive to messages and has been forthcoming with information relevant to my condition. Additionally she’s created personalised exercise videos to help me remember how to do my exercises – super useful when you have a baby brain like mine. I would highly recommend her.

Katie Newton

Yolanda provides an excellent physio therapist service. I had been suffering with very bad sciatica for several months which gave me a lot of pain when standing or walking. Yolanda was recommended to me by a friend and over a period of four months Yolanda found and fixed the muscle problems that were causing the sciatica.

It took some time to find the root cause but Yolanda methodically worked her way through all the muscles, removing the knots and freeing them up until the source of the problems was identified. Although at times a painful experience I can only thank Yolanda for her skill, expertise and perseverance in finding and fixing my problems. I have since recommended her to friends and family and would have no hesitation in using her services again should the need arise. An excellent and knowledgeable physio.


Having suffered from lower back pain due to a slip disc, the treatment I was receiving at the hospital at the time was not effective. I was introduced to Yolanda who was very professional, informative and instrumental to my recovery. I would surely recommend Yolanda to anyone who is in need of professional help.

Eddie Lawson

Somewhere in my first pregnancy I started to suffer from incredibly painful sex. Six years on I was told time and time again that it was in my head, and there was nothing wrong. Yolanda was the only person who was able to find my pelvic floor pain as well as it’s cause. I owe her more that words can say. So, ladies, have hope, painful sex can go away if you see the right specialist!

Fiona Peart

Yolanda is one of the best physio’s I’ve ever encountered. Because she combines her expertise in women’s health physiotherapy with an extensive knowledge of biomechanical, physiological and anatomical mechanisms of movement she is able to identify the root cause of your issues as a patient.

What I love the most about seeing her is that she takes the time to explain things thoroughly and educate you as her patient, so that you come away with an understanding of how your body works and what preventative measures you can employ to avoid recurring injuries.

Genevieve Brown

Yolanda is a fantastic professional. She was thorough and supportive during my assessment; she performed a clear treatment plan. I would recommend Yolanda to any woman after birth for mummy MOT.

Laura Ferreras Antolin

Yolanda is such a great physio, and as a bonus she’s a lovely person.

I started seeing her a year after giving birth as was having issues with my pelvic floor. She looked at how the whole body worked, not just giving me a generic “do more kegels” and discovered a pattern of muscular imbalance I was completely oblivious of that also had affected other areas of my life. It was such a ‘wow’ moment.

Doing the exercises she gave me I’ve seen huge improvement and have learnt so much about how the body works, related to the postnatal period and in general. Can’t recommend her enough and will come back pre and post birth to get her advice if I ever have more children.


Before Yolanda Royan, I had seen multiple physios for long-term neck & back pain with little result. Yolanda is one of the most perceptive physios I’ve ever met. With multiple pain points, she identified the root of problem quickly by looking at the body holistically & focussing the work in the areas that really counted.

For female clients – Yolanda’s extensive knowledge of Womens Health & Pelvic Floor physio combined with her anatomy experience & attention to wellbeing is very powerful. Rare to find a physio that can skilfully combine Womens Health and standard physio (they tend to lack knowledge in one area).

I am SO grateful to have met Yolanda and is one of the very few medical professionals I could trust and rely on. She always believed that I would recover fully. Which I did! If you’re looking for an extremely knowledgeable physio who really cares about her patients – I couldn’t recommend Yolanda more.

Rosalynd Ritacca

I wanted to get back into exercise after having my first baby and booked a Mum MOT with Yolanda and would highly recommend her! Yolanda was very friendly, open, knowledgable and put me at ease during the session – all while also helping play with my 4-month old baby who joined us at the appointment!

Yolanda is great at what she does and I’m so pleased that I chose her for this womens physio session, she was able to assess me and give me lots of exercises to do at home to improve my physical health post-partum. I couldn’t recommend Yolanda highly enough and will definitely book future sessions with her as and when I need.

Hannah Robinson

Wow – I have seen about 15 physios over the years, but Yolanda has unique insights and techniques I have never encountered before. Her ability to treat the whole body and find all the contributing factors to a problem is exceptional. Physio sessions with Yolanda have improved my pain level considerably and given me so much more energy. It’s been hard work, but it’s changed my life.

Naomi Neoh

I first saw Yolanda 6 weeks postpartum for pelvic floor and general recovery after a stressful birth. The sessions i have had with Yolanda have been brilliant – she tailors every session to your specific needs and goals and within a short space of time i noticed a really big difference. Yolanda is very easy to get on with, very professional – i couldn’t recommend her more highly

Anna Brownrigg

Thank you very much Ms Yolanda for your support throughout the sessions. Yolanda was recommended highly by my GP and friend. Icomplained about neck and shoulder pain for many months, I had sleepless night due to that, after few sessions, I can say I am much better. Yolanda is knowledgeable and skilled and explains what’s the cause of the pain which that helped me to understand more about my body. I also used my physio for women’s health issues which I was so relieved to recover. I am ever so grateful for her help and I would recommend her service highly!

Rima AbouChahine

After I started to experience pain in my pelvis Yolanda was recommended to me by my obstetrician during the first trimester of my first pregnancy. I like to exercise most days and hated the idea of not working out during my pregnancy. I was also worried that the pain would continue to get increasingly worse for the next 6 months as I got bigger and bigger!

Yolanda was brilliant from the start. She asked a lot of detailed questions and gave me a body a full survey to work out what was causing the pain. It turned out an old foot and ankle injury was creating misalignment in my body, resulting in pain in my pelvis during walking and asymmetrical movements. Yolanda gave me easy to follow exercises and stretches, which helped enormously and the pain continued to get better throughout my pregnancy until by the 3rd trimester it was hardly there at all. I looked forward to every session as the highlight of my week where Yolanda always energetically and enthusiastically sorted out whatever aches and pains came up throughout the pregnancy as well as recommending more exercises to help with the misalignment.

Yolanda has so much knowledge to share, especially about the female body and she gave me wonderful and insightful information about the labour and birthing process, making sure I felt fully prepared and confident about what to expect and what positions would work best for me. She even prepped me for what to expect afterwards and how to start putting my body back together. I had the most amazing and empowering birth and now 8 weeks later I am confident in how to ease my body back into an exercise regime. I couldn’t have done any of this without Yolanda and would probably still be hobbling around in crutches! I would highly recommend Yolanda as a top notch physiotherapist.

Lucy Barcley

I have seen Yolanda for several years for my continual back problem caused mainly by golf – she has always got to the bottom of the problem given relevant exercises to address the issue and in a fantastic authoritative manner

Steve Watts

5 stars doesn’t come close to explaining how great Yolanda is! I’ve never been to a physio that has been so experienced, knowledgable and caring as Yolanda. I started seeing Yolanda at 16 weeks pregnant for hip pain, not only did yolanda treat me for that but also supported with my core through my whole pregnancy and I am now seeing her postnatal to support with recovery. Yolanda always goes above and beyond – I’ve gain strength and comfort in my body since coming and I always feel so much better after each session – Yolanda has the strongest hands and always finds the exact spot to work on. Physio with Yolanda has been the best thing I’ve done for myself in years. Please do yourself the biggest favour and see Yolanda for any issues. You won’t regret it!

Cecily Green

Yolanda helped looked after me after a big bunion surgery. She was kind, caring, professional, knowledgable and friendly throughout my rehab and with a combined approach of manual therapy and rehab exercises got me back to full fitness. A true gem of a physio!

Aimee Higgs

I have seen Yolanda for post-natal physio for the past year and I can’t recommend her enough. She is extremely knowledgeable and efficient—after only a couple of sessions I saw massive improvements to my symptoms. She helped me understand my body on a whole new level, not only giving me instant relief from pain whenever I saw her but also teaching me the root of my issues and how to actively fix them. She is also a beautiful person and so fun to be around—I actually looked forward to my appointments every week! Thank you so much, Yolanda!

Lauren Diez d'Aux

I would highly recommend Yolanda.

I had mobility issues following complications from a broken ankle and ligament damage that was not healing as it should. Treatment from my local NHS physio was not helping and the exercises they had given me were generic and exacerbated the problem. A specialist consultant I saw at London Bridge Hospital recommended physiotherapy with Yolanda at a local clinic instead.

From the outset, Yolanda worked to understand the underlying issue and provide appropriate treatment, rather than just addressing the symptoms.

The exercise regime she provided was completely different to that given to me previously and, along with the physical therapy she provided at the clinic, quickly saw a huge improvement.

Her treatment has now got me back to full strength and mobility in the ankle that had been troubling me painfully for 8 months.

I am extremely grateful for Yolanda’s help and would not hesitate in recommending her to anybody else in a similar situation

Michael Threlfall

Yolanda has been incredibly helpful with my diastasis recti after an emergency c section and lower back pain. I’ve regained connection with my core and can do so many more exercises pain free now. She is an excellent women’s health physiotherapist who brings far more expertise & nuance than the standard Mummy MOT assessment. I would recommend her to anyone who needs specialist support.

Alicia Tew

I was referred to Yolanda at about 23 weeks of pregnancy for pelvic girdle; which began on my 1st trimester. By then I was very stiff, and had difficulty turning in bed, walk more than half a block, lift my legs to get dressed, and play with my puppy on the floor. I was very committed with the therapy and would do all the exercises she showed me daily. After a few weeks of hard work I noticed my flexibility had improved greatly and I was having a little less pain. I am so grateful to have found her and would recommend her very highly! She is an outstanding therapist and greatly committed to help you get better.

Joha Batlle

Great physio who gave me the tools & confident to get back into shape post birth

Chessie Samler

Seeing Yolanda was a revelation. I was so impressed how she hit the nail on the head with the issues I was facing! She’s gentle, caring, attentive and very knowledgeable.

Elisha DaCosta

Yolanda is an amazing healer, not just simply a therapist. As well as being incredibly knowledgeable in her field, she is also extremely perceptive about her patients’ problems. She improved my condition in a few sessions, after other practitioners gave me the wrong treatments for months. Thoroughly recommended!

Viola Caon

I went to see Yolanda when I was around 34/35 weeks pregnant. I’d been having back pain and pain in my ribcage since around 25 weeks but knew I needed support when pelvic pain at 32 weeks left me housebound.

After my first call with Yolanda she sent me some incredibly helpful exercises and booked me in for an extra long first session in order to really understand the problem and do some treatment – within a day of that session I was back on my feet… not only did she sort out my pelvic pain but my back pain and rib pain as well. It was like magic.

A couple more sessions down and I’m nearly at my due date and feeling better than I have for months – I think this is mainly down to my work with Yolanda.

I feel like Yolanda took the time to really understand my needs and address them gently and compassionately. I’d recommend her to any pregnant woman and I plan to see her after the pregnancy as well.

Meaghan Bright