
Physiotherapy for sexual dysfunctions; education, self-knowledge and sexual empowerment, pain in relationships, orgasm, erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction.

Physiosexology is the part of Biosexology that encompasses a set of body techniques (including SomatoEmotional Release Technique) that are therapeutic tools that seek to harmonise Erotic Function. It was created by Dr. Marcel Caufriez in the 1980’s.

Recovering and balancing erotic function is crucial since sexuality has important functions of socialisation, psychological and physical balance. If it is integrated educationally and socially, it constitutes a powerful factor of social cohesion and individual openness (Marcel Caufriez).

The objectives of Physiosexology are the study of sexual deficiency syndrome, understanding sexual pathophysiology and re-education sexuality in adults.

Desire Disorders – lack of sexual desire or interest in sex

Arousal disorders – inability to become physically aroused or excited during sexual activity

Dissection, premature ejaculation, erection problems

Somatic symptoms; headaches, migraines, retrovascular, thoracic or abdominal pain, arthralgia, back pain, low back pain, cervicalgia, ciatalgia, balance problems, nausea, dizziness, etc.


We help people understand the cause of their problem, how best to manage their own condition and how to prevent it recurring using the following treatments:
  • Through techniques of education and knowledge of sexual education and sexual physiology.
  • Proprioception of the pelvic floor and muscle toning exercises.
  • Breathing and relaxation techniques.
  • Manual therapy to rebalance the articular and muscular system of the pelvis, diaphragm, and pelvic floor.
  • SomatoEmotional Release Technique as sensory massage.
  • Therapeutic exercise, hypopressive gymnastics, clinical pilates.
  • Biofeedback, electrostimulation.